Invited Comments & Op-Eds
Interviews & Podcasts
Select Interviews & Podcasts on The Trouble With Passion (see here for full list):
Harvard Business Review : The surprising problem of following your passion (Video)
Nature: “How a passion for research could hinder your career and exacerbate inequities in science”
NPR: “It’s OK not to be passionate about your job” [19 min]
ABC Australia: “Love What you Do: The Problem with Passion at Work” [17 min]
The Professor is In Podcast: “Ep 2:32 The Problem With Passion – Interview with Dr. Erin Cech” [34 min]
The Zero Hour Podcast with RJ Eskow: Prof. Erin A. Cech: "The Trouble With Passion" [35 min]
LinkedIn News and Better Up Podcast: The Pitfalls of Pursuing your Passion [43 min]
New Books Network Podcast: “The Trouble with Passion” [41 min]
Science for the People: “The Trouble with Passion” [65 min]
Radio New Zealand - Sunday Morning: “Why Passion can be a dangerous thing” [24 min]
Woke AF Podcast: “The Trouble with Passion” [46 min]
Podcasts on STEM Inequality Research:
Michigan Minds Podcast discussing Inequality in STEM Research: Studying Social Inequities Affecting STEM Professionals [23:57 min]
Honors & Public recognition
Media Coverage of Research
Financial Times
Nature News
Business Insider
The Globe and Mail (Canada)
Der Standard
Intersectional Privilege in STEM (Cech 2022, Science Advances)
--- Science News
--- Forbes
Misconceiving Merit (with Mary Blair-Loy; selection)
---Inside Higher Ed
--- Science
Parenthood in STEM (Cech & Blair-Loy 2019, PNAS)
--- Science News
--- Nature News
--- Reuters
--- Time
--- CNN
--- Forbes
--- The Scientist
LGBTQ Inequality in STEM (Cech & Waidzunas 2021, Science Advances)
--- Science
--- Nature
--- New York Times
--- Science Careers
—-The Guardian
— Zocalo- What Science Loses to LGBTQ Bias
Family Plans and Occupational Sex Segregation (Cech 2016, Gender & Society)
ASA Contexts
International Business Times
London School of Economics' US Centre Blog
Professional Culture and Persistence in Engineering (Seron, Silbey, Cech & Rubineau, 2016 Work and Occupations)
--- Harvard Business Review
--- IEEE Spectrum
--- PC World Mexico
--- Times Higher Education
"Culture of Disengagement in Engineering Education?" (Cech 2014, ST&HV)
--- The Atlantic
--- Inside Higher Ed
--- Houston Chronicle
--- IEEE Spectrum
"Professional Role Confidence and Gendered Persistence in Engineering." (Cech et al. 2012, ASR).
--- Huffington Post
--- Chronicle of Higher Education
The "Self-Expressive Edge" of Occupational Sex Segregation (2014)
Self-Expression and Segregation
Supportive Communities: Native American Students in STEM (2012)
Supportive Communities
Provided Commentary
Nature news article (Sept. 16, 2014)
"Diversity: Pride in Science"
Womenetics article (Aug. 4, 2014)
"Is Confidence Key to Calculus?"
Autostrattle article (Sept. 13, 2013)
"Queered Science: Why Social Justice and STEM Professions Should Hang Out More Often"
USA Today article (Nov. 28, 2012)
"Women band together, make inroads into tech"
Prism article (Oct. 1, 2011)
"Secrets Are Out: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender engineers are no longer willing to hide true selves"
New Scientist article (July 18, 2009)
New Scientist: Bringing it all together